If you had to choose just one activity that you could rely on to grow your business, something you could do every day, what would that activity be?
The communicator and strategist and inbound marketer in me suggests blogging as that one thing, and the research agrees.
I’ve been blogging for well over a decade. I started writing on my first design website, the now defunct AKuhnDesigns.com, then started focusing on digital specifically on BigSea.co. I started a personal running and cooking blog (then forgot to renew the domain after my interest waned). Wrote for a parenting product review blog. Contributed to the business blog at our local alternative weekly.
I’ve been writing on the web for a long time, and those articles pay off in unsolicited web traffic and cold, hard leads for Big Sea. They give me an outlet for my rants and ideas, and give me a voice in my industry.
I know first-hand that blogging is one of the most valuable tools marketers have available to them. Blogging can help grow search engine rankings, build credibility and expertise, convert traffic to leads, and compound growth of inbound leads exponentially.

(Just checkout this data from HubSpot on the compound effect of blog articles on a website. Wow!)
Yet, I’ve never been very consistent.
That’s what September is all about. Getting into the groove of blogging every day. Every. Single. Day.
(P.S. A catastrophic weather event in the form of Hurricane Irma threatens to be the only thing standing between me and my “blog every day” goal for this month. Let’s all hope that doesn’t happen.)