In this episode, Michelle and Andi talk about how to stay innovative...

In this episode, Michelle and Andi talk about how to stay innovative...
Colin is the CEO and founder at Sheets & Giggles, a start-up that makes eco-friendly (and ultra comfy) bedding out of eucalyptus trees. Colin knew he wanted to found a business that could make an impact on his community and the earth, and he did it.
Subscribe and listen on your favorite platform! As President & Chief Executive Officer of The Florida Aquarium, Roger Germann’s leadership has been instrumental in guiding this Tampa attraction through the incredibly difficult past few months, with light at the end of the tunnel. Roger has helped the aquarium reopen safely, slowly, and with the guidance… Read more »
There is power in listening. It can broaden perspectives and be a fundamental step towards understanding and atonement. Erik Smith knows; he owns a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) consultancy (Inclusivity LLC) and he’s been helping organizations understand their role in systemic racism for most of his career.
For better or worse, the pandemic has “opened the kimono” and shown the true colors of companies and leaders who truly do or do not walk the walk. Barbra Anderson and Janet Craig have seen the good, bad and ugly, and share how and why CSR is vital to an organization’s success, even during a pandemic.
Subscribe on your favorite platform! As leaders, we are expected to guide behavior according to the values of the companies at which we work. But what about employees? How can they find empowerment and autonomy within the ethos of the organizations at which they work? Nancy Lyons is the CEO at Clockwork, a digital consultancy,… Read more »
In this episode, Jeremy and Andi talk about how Burning Man and the Mankind Project led to a sort of epiphany of values, and the importance of alignment – even across a fully-remote team scattered around the world.