In this episode, Michelle and Andi talk about how to stay innovative...

In this episode, Michelle and Andi talk about how to stay innovative...
There is power in listening. It can broaden perspectives and be a fundamental step towards understanding and atonement. Erik Smith knows; he owns a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) consultancy (Inclusivity LLC) and he’s been helping organizations understand their role in systemic racism for most of his career.
For better or worse, the pandemic has “opened the kimono” and shown the true colors of companies and leaders who truly do or do not walk the walk. Barbra Anderson and Janet Craig have seen the good, bad and ugly, and share how and why CSR is vital to an organization’s success, even during a pandemic.
Subscribe on your favorite platform: Firing people is hard, especially when you have a small, close-knit team. But it’s an absolutely essential part of running a successful business. Learning to let people go with grace and kindness is a skill that Jen Dary teaches people to do well. In this episode, Jen talks to Andi… Read more »
Subscribe on your favorite platform? The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a lot of opportunities for leaders to really stand up and make an impact in either positive or not so positive ways. Dr. Jennifer Hall, an executive coach, leadership trainer and assessment author, talks to Andi about how leaders can use their core values to… Read more »